Our Grade 12 students recently embarked on a deeply spiritual journey at Mount Zion Retreat Centre, participating in the Emmaus Retreat. The Emmaus Retreat is designed to provide students with an opportunity to reflect on their faith, personal growth and transition into their final year of high school and beyond.
The Emmaus Retreat focused on encountering Christ in everyday experiences, much like the two disciples who met Jesus on the road to Emmaus without recognizing Him at first. Through moments of prayer, silence and group discussions, students explored the themes of faith, hope, companionship and transformation.
A highlight of the retreat was the guided reflections and personal testimonies, where students shared their challenges, successes and hopes for the future. This created an atmosphere of openness and support, reinforcing the Ignatian value of Cura Personalis– care for the whole person.
Another significant aspect was the Eucharistic celebration, which served as a moment of renewal and gratitude. The retreat concluded with a symbolic breaking of bread, reminding students of the presence of Christ in their daily lives and the importance of walking together in faith.
The Emmaus Retreat left a profound impact on the students, rekindling their spiritual commitment and strengthening their bond as a graduating class. As they move forward in their academic and personal journeys, they do so with the assurance that they are never alone—Christ walks with them every step of the way.